Weekly Update…


Posted by jstutz1 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 16, 2017

April 10 – 14

Spring Break:  It sounds like everyone had a great Spring Break!  The Kindergarteners shared their favorite things they did with their friends.  We heard stories of losing teeth, water park fun, beach fun, movies and many more!  My husband and I traveled to Florida to watch our youngest son, Tom, a sophomore at Hudsonville High School, march at Magic Kingdom. A great week of Disney and relaxation!

Popcorn Words:  Jump, Him.

Math:  This week we started Unit 5.  We began by arranging our own “Math Night Sky.”  The Kindergartners helped me put together a Math Night Sky showing 10 stars on 10 posters.  Each poster has a combination of purple stars and yellow stars.  We then added a number sentence that said what the picture showed.  For example, 1 purple star and 9 yellow stars goes with the number sentence 10=9+1.  We then counted the stars by 10’s to make up 100 stars all together in our Math Night Sky.  We wrapped up the week by playing some fun easter themed math games.


Split Lit.:  We are doing a wonderful job with our split lit. time!  The Kindergarteners are able to pick from over 8 different activities while also meeting with a teacher everyday to practice their specific reading needs.  I have seen amazing growth with our Kindergarteners!!  Keep up the great work at home with the sight words/popcorn words and reading!!

Writer’s Workshop:  This month we are reviewing all of the different types of writing we have done so far in Kindergarten.  During Writer’s Workshop the Kindergarteners have had the choice to pick from writing an All About book, How to book or a Small Moment Story.  They are so excited about having the choice to write what they want!!

Reader’s Workshop:  This week in writer’s workshop we have been combining our class with Ms. Yankee’s class to learn about Characters in books.  We have listened to stories with characters in them and talked about how characters have emotions in stories.  Discovering that the author writes words that a character says words in a story by adding “quotation marks.”  We also have learned that the illustrator shows how a character feels in a story by drawing details on a character’s face.  We have discussed these characteristics and then partnered up with a friend from Ms. Yankee’s class to read back to back and then share the characters in our book at the end of our reading time.  We have enjoyed this whole group reading and learning time with our friends.

Science:  We have literally “dug in” to learning about Soil this week.  The Kindergarteners helped collect soil samples from around our school.  We collected a sample from the creek by the playground, the field and then the sandbox.  After collecting we were able to take a closer look at each of these samples.  Some of us had worms and bugs in our soil!  We learned that soil is made up of many different components!  Learning that soil has different levels:  bedrock, subsoil, topsoil, and humus.  We wrote in our journals pictures of the 3 different soil samples we collected.  The Kindergartners are having so much fun with this unit so far.  We will continue to talk about soil next week.  We will begin our study of rocks by the end of our week with our Rock collections due Friday, April 21.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday, April 17…Music, Bring Take Home Book.
  • Tuesday, April 18…Art, Library, Bring Library Book.
  • Wednesday, April 19…Steam, Bring Take Home Book.
  • Thursday, April 20…Gym, Bring Take Home Book.
  • Friday, April 21…Music, Rock Collections Due.  Celebrating Earth Day!  Popcorn Friday.
  • Friday, April 28…Ryan’s B-Day!
  • Saturday, April 29…Neeko’s B-Day!
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