Posted by jstutz1 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 23, 2020

3/23 – 3/27

Good morning Kinders!  Happy second week of being learners at home. One of the other K teachers shared this meme with us, and we thought it was the perfect picture for our blog this week! We know it can be tricky asking Kinders to get online when they have to login to various websites. Remember to be patient!!! We truly appreciate all of your hard work as we navigate how to best learn at home!

Our Morning Message:

Good morning K team!  As I looked outside this morning, I saw a bunch of snow. It has been a crazy month of March. Take a break from reading and math to enjoy the snow today!

Love, Mrs. Blauwkamp and Mrs. Stutz

Popcorn Words of the week:  as, has


  • Work on adding and subracting within 10 (or up to 20 if you want a challenge!)
  • Bake something with Mom or Dad to work on measuring ingredients
  • Count your stuffed animals – Use them as a way to create story problems (There were 4 aminals playing in the field, but the bunny hopped away. How many animals are left?)


  • Practice writing upper and lowercase letters
  • Write a letter to a friend in class or Mrs. Stutz and Mrs. Blauwkamp
  • Write our popcorn words


  • Keep on being an AVID reader! Find different spots to read around your house and always keep a stack of books nearby.
  • Don’t forget to checkout YouTube for our teacher read-alouds!


  • It has been really sad not being in class together, so we came up with a fun idea to share what we have been doing at home with all of our friends! We are going to have a theme for each day of the week. Take a picture or video for each theme day, and email them to us that way we can put them on the blog for everyone to see!!! You can write your responses out on a paper and hold it up for a picture or Mom/Dad could take a picture of what you’re working on or you could send in a video telling us what you did for the theme day. Totally up to you how you want to share with your friends! Have fun with this. 🙂
    • Math Monday – share something you did to practice your math skills!
    • Tasty Tuesday – share your favorite thing you ate that day!
    • Writing Wednesday – share something you wrote about during the week!
    • Thankful Thursday – share something you are thankful for!
    • Funny Friday – share a joke or something funny that happened to you this week!

Also, check out our school blog for information on grab-n-go meals and other essential items.  The meals are available to ANY CHILD who may be in need. We are here for you!  Sending you all hugs and love during this time.

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